NAACP: Same-Sex Marriage is a Colored Thang

In what some are calling a largely symbolic gesture, today the NAACP endorsed same-sex marriage, labelling it a key civil rights struggle of today.  Reports have characterized the organization's resolution for marriage equality as both a principled stance, and as a statement of support for President Obama's recent support of same-sex marriage.  The NAACP endorsement has gained much media attention particularly in light of many  inaccurate media reports that black communities are somehow more homophobic than general society.

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Expectorate the Kool-Aid: Whites Births REMAIN A Majority

Do not believe the hype of journalist accounts (here and here) of recently released Census Bureau data that white births are no longer a majority in the United States.  The report indicated that in the 12 month period that ended last July, 49.6% of all US births were non-Hispanic whites.  This is compared to 50.4% of "minorities" who include Hispanics, Blacks, Asian-Americans, and individuals with multi-racial identities.

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