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Dr. King's Call for Public Intellectuals

In September 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the American Psychological Association to describe the role that social scientists should play in the Civil Rights Movement.  He described that role as clarifier--that the social scientist can provide direction and understanding.  He said that whites folks are in urgent need, because "White America needs to understand that it is poisoned to its soul by racism."

We live in a world structured by racism.  It should be no surprise that racism is pervasive throughout society.  Here's to π and searching for clarity in understanding racism.

A Concise (Progressive) History of US Racism

This cartoon is a deceptive (and dangerous) way that liberals call out reverse racism. This is not really an accurate depiction of how racism operates in the United States.  I propose a progressive critique.

Reverse (1)

This cartoon (while it has good intentions) rests on dangerous assumptions. First, that minorities are unshackled and no longer have a ball and chain. Second, that black and brown oppression is largely linked to past discrimination, and that the egregious form of present discrimination takes place when whites refuse to give a boost to minorities.

These things are true, to an extent...but they are overstated, and they grossly ignore and understate what I believe is the hidden form of discrimination---that the way in which we measure minorities so that they can reach the next level is severely unfair.

This comic strip would be much more accurate if there were two ladders from the ground to the next level. One ladder for whites that is large and sturdy, and another for minorities that is small and rickety.